It is common for homeowners to purchase a commercial lawn mower when they have a lot of property to cover. This type of lawn mower does not have to specifically be for commercial use. Having a large property, complicated landscape, or lots of hills are several good reasons to use a commercial grade mower.
There are a few different types to choose from. The most common is a riding lawn mower, but there are some walk behind and stand on mowers as well. Some people prefer the zero turn lawn mower because it can get in between trees and bushes much easier. But, all in all, the power of a commercial lawn mower makes it ideal for most homeowners with large plots.
Industrial Lawn Mowers
Since they can be very expensive, it's advisable to search around for used riding mowers that are for sale. Sometimes you can buy used ones at a local shop. You can also check the newspaper listings and see if anyone in your area is selling one.
Before making a decision on which mower is right for you, you should do lots of research and read as many customer reviews as you can find. It's best to rely on information from consumers who have used the product than to buy in to all the sales pitches you'll get on any given product.
Reading reviews will also help you to think of issues that you may not have considered. For example, someone may be excited about how well their Snapper or John Deere mower handles hills, or how easy the parts are to attach. This could trigger you to think about how many hills your yard has and if hills are an issue for you. Reading reviews on attachments will also help you to think about situations you might need different attachments. If you think you will need them, you'll want to look into models that have affordable attachments that are easy to use.
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